How can Work Stress Hurt your Heart – and How to Prevent?

Stress is considered to be a normal part of life. Stress under manageable limits increases alertness and performance. However, uncontrolled stress can lead to many health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and heart disease.

Common symptoms of stress include anxiety, fatigue, sleep problems, upset stomach, chest pain, etc.

Signs of Work Stress

Working professionals have been experiencing increasing stress in recent times. This is due to the hectic nature of the jobs, long work hours, heavy workload, strict deadlines, job insecurity and other reasons.

Stress related problems in offices have led to many issues like arguments with co-workers, mood swings, loss of motivation and confidence, decreased performance, regular absence due to sickness, high attrition and so on.

Hence, it is very important for employers to assess the impact of work related stress and take appropriate action to protect the employees.

Effect of stress on the heart

In a stressful situation the human body releases a hormone called adrenaline that causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure temporarily. Chronic stress can cause conditions like inflammation, high blood pressure, and low HDL or good cholesterol, which can all impact the heart and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Negative mental health conditions like stress, anxiety and depression can lead to harmful responses from the body such as irregular heart rate and rhythm, reduced blood flow to the heart, etc.

It has been observed that people with positive mental health are at lower risk of developing heart disease as they have lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and better glucose control.

Managing Work Stress

Stress can be managed by adopting regular physical activity, consuming a balanced diet and getting adequate sleep. It is also helpful to practice relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing, spending time with family and friends, developing hobbies, etc. to keep stress under control.

Employees suffering from work related stress also need to make some changes in their work environment to reduce their stress levels. It is recommended to organise official tasks in order of priority and take up the difficult tasks in the morning hours when the employee is fresh and active.

Advice and help can be taken from co-workers on how to handle any difficult tasks. Work should not be taken up after office hours preferably and the time should be utilised for relaxation and spending on personal activities.

Any health concerns should be brought to the notice of the human resources department in the organisation, so that they can be addressed immediately. If the symptoms of stress continue to persist over a period of time, it is essential to consult a physician or psychologist and seek their advice.

Role of family; meditation;friend; office sessions from company.

Health Issues in Teenagers because of Breathing Polluted Air

Air pollution is very detrimental to human health. According to World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is the reason for the death of nearly seven million people worldwide every year. In big cities like Delhi, 9 out of every 10 people currently breathe air with pollutants that exceed the WHO’s guideline limit.

Air pollution can cause great damage not only to lungs but can impact other organs including heart. Several diseases, birth defects and lower reproductive rates can be attributed to air pollution.

Effect on Air Pollution on Heart

Air pollutants can travel into the bloodstream through lungs and to the heart. This increases the risk of developing heart and circulatory diseases. The pollutants can damage the blood vessels and make them narrow, making it difficult for the blood to flow freely.

Other effects of pollutants can include blood clotting and increased blood pressure. Regular exposure to air pollution can affect the heart’s electrical system and cause irregular heartbeat or heart arrhythmia.

Patients with existing heart and circulatory conditions may have an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

Impact of Pollution on Teenagers

According to medical research, air pollution can trigger irregular heartbeat in healthy teenagers that can be potentially fatal. This can be caused by fine particles of less than 2.5 microns in size that can be easily inhaled into the lungs. People exposed to pollution over a period of time are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other complications.

Dr. Ramji Mehrotra, India’s renowned Heart Specialist, says that these fine air particles can disrupt the autonomic nervous system that controls the rhythms of heartbeats. According to Dr. Mehrotra, premature atrial contractions and premature ventricular contractions are two types of irregular heart rhythms.

Premature atrial contractions, in which heartbeat originates from atria, increase the risk of atrial fibrillation and possible stroke. Premature ventricular contractions, in which heartbeat originates from ventricles, also raise the risk of heart attack, heart failure and cardiac death.

Studies on teenagers have found that due to regular exposure to fine particulate matter, around 80 percent of them experience at least one irregular heart rhythm while over 40 percent experience both.

Addressing the Issue

Dr Ramji Mehrotra says that teenagers are prone to irregular heartbeats but most of them are not aware of it. If any youngster experiences any of the conditions like pounding of the heart or fast heartbeat or skipping of a heartbeat, it is essential to seek medical advice. The doctor is the right person to diagnose the issue and suggest the right treatment.

Dr. Mehrotra also recommends wearing face masks in outdoor conditions and while travelling to reduce the impact of pollution. It is also advised to avoid commuting during peak hours when the pollution is at the maximum level.