Ross Procedure

The Ross procedure is a surgical procedure used to treat aortic valve disease, which is a condition in which the valve that controls blood flow from the heart to the aorta becomes narrowed or leaks. This procedure involves replacing the damaged aortic valve with the patient’s own pulmonary valve, and then replacing the pulmonary valve with a donated or artificial valve.

The Ross procedure is named after its creator, Donald Ross, a Scottish cardiac surgeon who developed the technique in the 1960s. Since then, the procedure has become a popular option for treating aortic valve disease in certain patients.

Advantages of Ross Procedure

The Ross procedure is typically recommended for younger patients who have aortic valve disease, as it has several advantages over other types of valve replacement surgery. One of the main advantages is that it avoids the need for lifelong anticoagulation therapy, which is required for patients who receive a mechanical valve replacement. Anticoagulation therapy is a type of medication that helps prevent blood clots, but it can also increase the risk of bleeding and other complications.

Another advantage of the Ross procedure is that it provides a better quality of life for patients. The pulmonary valve is better suited to the low-pressure environment of the aortic position than artificial valves, which can often lead to complications such as valve dysfunction or blood clots.


The Ross procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and typically takes many hours to complete. During the procedure, the surgeon will make an incision in the chest and access the heart. The patient’s pulmonary valve will then be removed and used to replace the damaged aortic valve. A new pulmonary valve, either from a donated cadaver or an artificial valve, will then be used to replace the removed pulmonary valve.

After the procedure, patients may need to spend several days in the hospital recovering. They may experience some discomfort or pain, and will need to take medication to manage pain and prevent infection. Patients will also need to gradually increase their physical activity and follow a prescribed rehabilitation program to help them recover.


While the Ross procedure has many benefits, it is not suitable for all patients with aortic valve disease. Patients who have other heart conditions, such as coronary artery disease or an enlarged heart, may not be good candidates for the procedure. Additionally, patients who have already had a previous valve replacement or who have other medical conditions that could complicate surgery may not be good candidates for the procedure.


Ross procedure is a surgical procedure used to treat aortic valve disease in certain patients. It involves replacing the damaged aortic valve with the patient’s own pulmonary valve, and then replacing the pulmonary valve with a donated or artificial valve. If you are considering the Ross procedure, it is important to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor to determine if it is the right option for you.

What is Cardiac Catheterization?

Cardiac catheterization, also known as coronary angiography, is a medical procedure that allows doctors to examine the heart and blood vessels to identify any problems. It is a minimally invasive procedure that involves inserting a thin, flexible tube called a catheter into a blood vessel, typically in the groin or arm, and guiding it through the blood vessels to the heart.

The catheterization procedure is performed in a cardiac catheterization laboratory (also known as a cath lab) by a cardiologist. The procedure is typically done under local anaesthesia, which numbs the area where the catheter will be inserted.


During the procedure, the cardiologist will make a small incision in the skin and insert a hollow sheath into the blood vessel. The catheter is then inserted through the sheath and guided to the heart using x-ray guidance. Once the catheter is in place, the cardiologist can inject a contrast dye into the bloodstream, which makes the heart and blood vessels visible on x-ray.

The contrast dye allows the cardiologist to examine the heart and blood vessels for any abnormalities or blockages that may be present. If a blockage is found, the cardiologist can perform a procedure called angioplasty to open the blocked artery and restore blood flow to the heart.

Diagnostic Tool

Cardiac catheterization is a valuable diagnostic tool that can provide important information about the heart and blood vessels. It is typically used to diagnose and evaluate a range of heart conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart valve problems, congenital heart defects, and heart failure.

In addition to providing diagnostic information, cardiac catheterization can also be used to treat certain heart conditions. For example, angioplasty can be used to open blocked arteries and restore blood flow to the heart. Other procedures, such as stent placement and balloon valvuloplasty, can also be performed during cardiac catheterization.


While cardiac catheterization is generally considered a safe procedure, there are some risks associated with it. These include bleeding, infection, damage to the blood vessels, and allergic reactions to the contrast dye. However, these risks are generally low and can be minimized with proper preparation and monitoring.

Tests before the procedure

Before undergoing cardiac catheterization, patients will typically undergo a series of tests to evaluate their heart health and determine if they are a good candidate for the procedure. These tests may include an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, stress test, and blood tests.

Patients should also inform their doctor of any medications they are taking, as some medications may need to be temporarily stopped prior to the procedure. Patients should also avoid eating or drinking anything for several hours before the procedure.


Overall, cardiac catheterization is a valuable tool for diagnosing and treating a range of heart conditions. While there are some risks associated with the procedure, these risks are generally low and can be minimized with proper preparation and monitoring. Patients should talk to their doctor about whether cardiac catheterization is a good option for them and what they can expect during and after the procedure.